Month: October 2023

Why Franchise / Corporate Veterinary Medicine Is a Cause for Concern With Customers
I found a very well written document that impartially describes how Veterinary Medicine is being consolidated under corporate roofs. And… read more Why Franchise / Corporate Veterinary Medicine Is a Cause for Concern With Customers

We Should Get Socialists to Commit Future Earnings
It would be amazing if, while living in the basement and skating by on peanut butter and jelly – we… read more We Should Get Socialists to Commit Future Earnings

How Exactly They Can Create Cancer in Two or Three Weeks
This is not secret, it’s public knowledge that there are chemical compounds that they can give to rats and some… read more How Exactly They Can Create Cancer in Two or Three Weeks

Pilling (Administering Pills) to the Impossible Dog or Cat
How to get a pill into a dog that's not eating or a cat that just won't eat the pill… read more Pilling (Administering Pills) to the Impossible Dog or Cat

German Shepherd’s chronic diarrhea
German Shepherd's chronic diarrhea can come from: Indulgent treats (GSD are the worst for GI upset from 'excess') Overrich foods… read more German Shepherd’s chronic diarrhea

Of Import to Everyone With a Pet Dog: Canine Endocardiosis from Dental Disease
This article is even going on my fishy sites because it seems like, MOST fishy-pond-owners ALSO have a beloved dog. … read more Of Import to Everyone With a Pet Dog: Canine Endocardiosis from Dental Disease